Thursday, July 14, 2005

Young Belarus Rallies For Freedom

This sounds promising:

"I am 23 years old. I was 19 when I joined Zubr. I was still a student at the Belarusian literature faculty," said the strong-voiced blonde, sitting in a Minsk cafe.

Shortly after the founding in January 2001 of the Zubr group (named after the European bison found in Belarus' forests) "we carried out our first action -- carrying posters of the disappeared in public," she recalls.

The pictures included those of reporter Dmitry Zavadsky and politician Viktor Gonchar, both kidnapped and, according to the opposition, killed by the authorities.

Since then, Tustsik has participated in a series of "performances" intended to "stir up public opinion."

The group declares its aims as establishing democracy in Belarus.

They are aiming high. Now to keep it up.

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