Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Confession: I Am A Capitalist Pig

Ayn Rand: If capitalists are as evil as you say they are, what magic faculty endows a politician with virtue? If men who deal with others by means of voluntary trade are selfish monsters, how does... the right to force others transform a man into a selfless public servant?

Some say making a profit, especially a hefty profit, is selfish or greedy. You know what? I don't want to be famous, I don't want to be fabulously wealthy, but if I were a biddy-biddy rich...!

Let us assume making money through sales is selfish. Shame, then, on people who buy in order to obtain the goods/services they desire, even those desiring things for others. Further, consumers usually want to profit more from this exchange, the same as businesses. Most people like good deals! Companies grow or fold on the basis of whether a sufficient number of buyers regard their benefits from goods/services as equal to, or greater than, their cost. This is an open trade system. The only exceptions are businesses that cheat the system (à la Enron, though the system caught up with them), and consumers that do the same (stop, thief!).

I do hear how capitalists are taking over the world... but maybe the Protestants are doing it... no, I mean the Jews... the Freemasons... Mormons... Muslims... oil barons... communists... Hollywood... Honestly, who is in charge here? A capitalist atheist?

The real disgrace concerning capitalism is how few anti-capitalist protesters realize that they wear products from globalized industries, or that those cameramen filming them work for mass-media corporations. I want to see consistency! I want to see them buck naked and breaking lenses! At least the athletic college students, please. And if Prince Charles can do enough to earn a couple of angry naked people, it stands to reason that those evil capitalists who work every day deserve lots of angrier, naked-er people.

Fair enough?

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