Thursday, March 17, 2005

Social Security Tango

The QandO Blog notes that the Washington Post report on Bush's social security plans is not entirely honest...

The public overwhelmingly disapproves of 1) the way Bush is handling Social Security (56% - 35%), and 2) "Bush's proposals on Social Security" (55% - 37%).

But the public also overwhelmingly
supports — by a margin of 56% - 41% "a plan in which people who chose to could invest some of their Social Security contributions in the stock market".


That brings up a couple questions:

1. Where have I seen a plan like that before?
2. If the public
supports personal accounts, then to which of Bush's "proposals on Social Security" do they object? Because the only thing he's actually proposed is the option to "invest some of their Social Security contributions in the stock market".

Investment specialist Donald Luskin wrote an eviscerating response to critics of SS privatization back in December. 'Tis worth reading.

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