Sunday, April 17, 2005

Come Back Soon, Zhao

More regarding the Caper at the Capital:

After several days in a US immigration detention facility, Mr Zhao was expelled from the US and arrived in Australia early on Saturday on a United Airlines flight.

At Sydney airport, Mr Zhao told reporters he had not enjoyed living in Australia and had wanted to raise his concerns and chat generally with Mr Bush.

"Just to speak about normal topics like weather, like architecture and buildings," he said.

Zhao's behavior was suspicious and, like Mr. Chrenkoff, I find it amazing that he could be so naive. But I do feel sorry for him. Partly because he now comprehends his ordeal, partly because he is abstaining from faddish anti-Americanism despite having his personal effects destroyed, but mainly because this story reveals an understandable and refreshing tenacity in seeking to take dissatisfaction "to the top" with nothing more than a casual conversation. He attempted to take it to the head of the wrong country and in the wrong way, but I can sympathize with his plight. And if he can refrain from rooting himself and his suitcases in front of government buildings, I hope the Powers That Be will allow his return. I mean, he still hasn't seen the White House...

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