Monday, May 28, 2007

My Five Favorite Beatles Songs

In response to Norman Geras' incredibly tough poll...

"Across the Universe": Psychedelic Beatles songs are my least favorite of their stylings, since I am neither a product of the sixties nor its chemical rebellion. But this song is brilliant without the assistance of hallucinogens. A perfect fusion of music and lyric.

"Eleanor Rigby": Yes, it is ersatz-classical. Yes, it is a predictable selection for this poll. Yes, it is one of the most evocative songs in the English language.

"Hey Jude": I had the most trouble settling on this title, mostly because of "Strawberry Fields Forever" and "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds". Nevertheless, there is a mature quality in this song that the others lack. Underneath its classic rock form is a timeless lullaby for adults.

"Nowhere Man": The cold opening is an attention-getter, and the song just gets better. If the lyrics' wit (as in both humor and insight) are not enough to merit top placement, then consider the music. It is unapologetically catchy without being cheesy.

"Yesterday": This simple yet powerful song about love and loss is one of my first musical memories and one of my last memories of my maternal grandmother. I heard it along with "Let It Be" in her hospital room when I was four years old. Both have similar merits, but "Yesterday" has the edge.

Whatever you think of these picks, do not click the last link in this post.

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