Saturday, May 26, 2007

Saud Off

"My notion is that religions should be robust enough to trust their members. A religion should arm you to go into the world, not wall you off from it." - Roger Ebert

I watched Undercover Mosque, the video referenced in Vanity Fair's "Londonistan Calling" article. The paranoia at the mosques in question is bad, the bigotry is worse, and I think there are laws against inciting violence. One speaker claims a "freedom of speech" right to destroy the rights of others.

Why are so few Muslims publicly challenging these extremists? And why is the West failing in its support of Muslims courageous enough to shatter the stereotypes?

Update: Speaking of shattered stereotypes, CBS News reveals that aspiring to be a journalist-slicing jihadist will not free you from the long arms of the bureaucrats (pdf file). (via The Belmont Club)

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